Родной край

The 1 st day

Свято-Успенскую Почаевскую Лавру
Свято-Успенскую Почаевскую Лавру



Arrival to airport or railway station, the city of Kiev.

A meeting with representatives of a received side. Removing to Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra – one of the largest monasteries of the orthodox world. According to a legend, this monastery was founded by someof Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, who had run from Tatars invasion in 1240 (XIII century)

In 1597 this monastery gets some land areas and thaumaturgical image of God's Mother it was a present of Anna Goiskaya a local land lady.

Here you can touch the icon Pochaev God's Mother in Xvi century this icon recovered Anna Goiskaya's brother Philipp by name: he became seeing.

Good's Mother has left Her Step, from which a holy spring flows to this day.


You can

  • - also take holy water fromthis spring,
  • - visit the cave churches,
  • - where there are venerable Iov's and venerable Amphilochij's relics.
Свято-Успенскую Почаевскую Лавру Свято-Успенскую Почаевскую Лавру Свято-Успенскую Почаевскую Лавру стопа Божья Матерь

The 2 nd day.

Колодец прп. Иова
Троицкий собор



Observation excursion around Lavra this excursion is accompanied by a seminarist:
  • - Dormition Cathedral (God's Mother's Step and God's Mother's icon which performs miracles).
  • - Iov Pochaev's Church (venerable Iov's and venerable Amphilachij's relics).
  • - Trinity Cathedral.
  • - Pochaev theological seminary.
  • - Chapel in honour oftransferring of icon "Pochaev God's Mother" which performs miracles.
  • - Venerable Iov's well (holy water communion bread).
  • - Chaple in honour of 2000 anniversary of the Christ's Nativity.


Ночлег в гостинице Лавры.
стопа Божья Матерь Колодец прп. Иова Часовня в честь 2000-летия Колодец прп. Иова

The 3rd day.

Почаевского Свято-Духовского монастыря-скит
Почаевского Свято-Духовского монастыря-скит
Почаевского Свято-Духовского монастыря-скит



The morning liturgy - from 6.30 till 9.00 in the Holy - Trinity Cathedral.

Visiting – of Pochaev Svyato-Dukhov monastery - hermitage.

Here there are such icons as:

  • - Kazan God's Mother,
  • - Iven God's Mother,
  • - Warrantress of the sinful,
  • - which perform miracles venerable Mephodij's relics Nikita Strolpnik's cross - chains.
This holy place is visited by many pilgrims of the world and many people get recovering here.

Visiting – of monastic cemetery. Here such feeling appears that time is stopped. There are St. Amphilochij's grave and crusifying here when you touch this crusifying by your hand you can feel emanating warmth you canalso pray and ask venerable Amphilachij to help in recovering of soul and body.


Visiting – of St. Anna's spring, where there is icon St. Anna which performs miracles. Immersing into curing spring ( water is + 5). Belivers immerse into St. Anna's spring with a hope to get recovery. Especially this spring helps those people who pray about the birth of a baby.

Visiting – of St. Trinity Korets nunnery. It was founded in 1571 (XVI century). There are go nuns in a nunnery. The main church of this convent is the Holy Trinity Church which is open for visiting. You may bow to the main shrine Warrantress of the sinful. There are little parts of Kiev-Pechersk's Saints relics in a special shrine. There is icon "Kiev-Pechersk's Saints" on the Left hand in a church.

Evening God Service at 17.00 d'clock

Supper at 18.00.

Departure arrival to Kiev at 22.00

источник Святой Анны источник Святой Анны источник Святой Анны источник Святой Анны
The price for a person: 98 euro; children younger 12 - 10% less.
    The price includes:
    • - driving (passing) by a comfortable bus (CD/DVD microphone, air-conditioner)
    • - duelling
    • - meals
    • - interpretor's services
    • - accompany's services
    • - insurance
    Air-tickets or tickets for a train to Kiev are paid additianally.

1 st day



Arrival at an Airport or a Railway Station the city of Kiev

A meeting with some representatives of a received side.


An observation excursion around the town of Cherkassy, with visiting of the largest - Saint - Mikhailovskiy Cathedral Church.

This wonderful church was projected by metropolitan Sophroniy. It's 72m high. It can include 12000 orthodox christians!

This astonishing church is a splendind architectural pearl of the uhole orthodoxy. There are incorruptible relics of hosiomartyr Makariy (XVII century). A praying to Saint hosiomartyr Makariy, Pereyaslov and Kanev Thaunaturgist

Свято-Михайловского Кафедрального собора Свято-Михайловского Кафедрального собора Свято-Михайловского Кафедрального собора Свято-Михайловского Кафедрального собора

The 2nd day




Removing to the town of Chigirin.

Visiting of Saint-Kazan Cathedral This Saint-Kazan Cathedral in Chigirin was renewed in 2004 at the place of an old church in honour of icon "Kazan God's Mother"; it was built in 1888 for donation of local seamen, i.e. the inhobitants of Chigirin.

This mayestic church has two domes and a bell-tower. It was made of light-broun brick. The icons of Saints were painted an the walls.

Removing to the village of Subbotiv.

Visiting Ilinskaya church - this church was built in 1653 (XVII century) according to Bogdan Khmelnitskiy's order, it is as a patrimonial church - burial of Ukraine and Russia at Pereyaslov Rada ( Council ) on january 8 1654. In 1869 a beel - tower was built her the church which connected it with a church.

Visiting of - Saint Trinity Matrona Nunnery. It is situated an the territory of so-called scythian Matrona ancient times of Kiev Rus. At that time nuns, who gathered in Matrona forest, formed a hermitage, and they asked metropolitan Jona III Protasovich to have a right for performance of a public liturgy in a chapel. There is also a version that Yaroslav Mudryj has presented that for beautiful border his favourite - waywode Miroslav who had a wife, Matrona, by a home, and she was a foundress of that nunnery. There is "Smolenskaya God's Mother" icon here which performs mirracles. There is also a school of reading and writing with learning of handicraft and almshouse.

Dinner in a dining - hall.

Visiting - of Saint Onuphrij Monastery. It's situated in the village of Chubivka, Cherkassy region, in a hole of Vertyanaya Yora ( Wind Mountain ) on the river Zhabotivka. This monastery bears a name of one of the Saints of Ukrainian church painting "Hermit" of Holy Onuphrij. The date of foundation of this monastery is unknown. During the existence of the monastery there were several churches; but only one of them wass kept, it calls a church of Holy Onuphrij, and it has a bell- tower.

Removal to the residence. Supper. Night's lodging.

The 3rd day




Transfer - to Saint Nikolai Lebedin nunnery, this cloister was founded by nuns in 1779 who had left their Kalaturskij Moldavian Holy Dormition nunnery which was plundered and burnt by Turks. Passing through Lebedin forest, they stopped for night's lodging and saw a vision:Saint Nikolai was blessing them to found a nunnery there. In the morning they went to a stream to take some water, and they were finding " Saint Nikolai" icon. It was really a confirmation that it was not a dream, but it was God's blessing. There is a curative spring at this plce and it's clled "Magdalinovsskij" ( in memory of the first abbess of this nunnery). It's situated about kilometer from a nunnery it's at the bottom of a ravine. This spring represents not so deep reservoirs with wooden covering. There are also some cabins nearby. There is also a nunnery cemetory not for from sacred place. A public liturgy takes place every day according to church discipline:in the morning at 4.30 - a night liturgy and reading of some acathistuses, then God liturgy and in the evening God servise - at 17.00.

Dinner in a dining - hall.

Visiting - of Church of the Intercession ( XIX century ). A building of a nunnery began in 1859 thanks to graphs Bobrinskie's donation according to a pln of PetersburgAnnunciation life-guards Kirasirskaya regimental church but it was much more in a size. Evening God service

Removal to the residence. Supper. Night's loding.

The 4 th day.



Visiting - of nunnery of the Intercession - It's an orthodox nunnery of Cherkassy eparch. It's one of the five oldest orthodox nunneries in Ukraine. According to a legend a monk from Konstantinopol began to live at a place of a future nunnery in Krasnogoriya at the end of XVI the beginning of the XVII century. God's Mother has appeared him in a dream. The asked him to go to Russian land and showed him a place of a future nunnery at the mountain hear Zolotonosha. The Bysantine monk has digged himself a cave and it was him first residence. Soon the owner of that land - cossack Ivan Shebet-Slyuzhka heard about that monk ahd he decided to turn so-called Red Montain into God's Mountain i.e. to found a nunnery here. Soon that hews was spread all over surrounding villages. Many people began to joint the first settler who wanted to devote their live to serve God. By 1790 it had been a monastery but in 1790 according to the mast Holy's command Theological nunnery was moved from Kiev here. From that time Krasnogorskaya cloister is as Krasnogorskij nunnery. The first superior was abbess Makrina (1789 - 1795). Then later the abbesses were: Stefanida, Feodotiya, Tavifa, Varsonophia, Kleopatra, Anatoliya I, Anatoliya II, Olimpiada, Angelina, Nonna.

Dinner in a dining - hall.

Visiting of a holy spring.

There is also one more astonishing place in a nunnery i.e. if we go downstairs to the river we can find a holy spring of Sophronij Irkutskij. There are always many people here. Water is curative here. People fill their pails with water and spill water themselves by holy water in cabins ( this spring presents a sweep ). Visiting – of Thealogical hermitage of a nunnery (XIX century).

Depature. Removal into an airport or a railway station in Kiev.

The price for a person: 147 euro; children younger 12 - 10% less.
    The price includes:
    • - driving (passing) by a comfortable bus (CD/DVD microphone, air-conditioner)
    • - duelling
    • - meals
    • - interpretor's services
    • - accompany's services
    • - insurance
    Air-tickets or tickets for a train to Kiev are paid additianally.